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    Provision of Equipment and Personnel

    LLC Oceaneering is carrying out replacement of SPM at Baku-Supsa Oil Pipeline. IDC scope is to assemble hoses for New SPM and dissemble hoses of old SPM. IDC provides various equipment (cranes, forklifts, motorboats, generators, lighting towers, containers etc.) for the Client. Also, IDC is providing various category personnel, such as Project Coordinator, Project manager, Site Supervisor, Hose assembly Supervisor, Hose Assembly Technician, HSE Officers, Lifting Supervisors, Riggers / Slingers etc. IDC scope includes onshore works of SPM replacement. The works are performed at Poti Port in Georgia.

    Project Details

    • Client Name: LLC Oceaneering International Services Branch of Georgia
    • Work Type: Provision of Services
    • Start: July 2023
    • Completion: October 2023
    • Location: Georgia
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